Showing posts with label ClintEastwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ClintEastwood. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Why i Love ~ Clint Eastwood

What Can Be Said

 About the Living Legend

Clint Eastwood

i Always Cherished Western Films 4 Depicting My idea Of What A true Man Should Be

tough / Gritty / industrious / Faithful

Naturally Opposing the Ahab Male Stereotype Of the Sissified 
" Woke Culture "
in Fact
Western Films Basically Configured My idea Of Masculinity

 Perhaps in No Better Form than Clint Eastwoods Characters

So Many Men Are Completely Whipped in Modern Culture 
~ its Pathetic

i Am Completely thankful 2 Have Clint Eastwood Az A Role Model
. . . . .

So Heres 2 One Of the Greatest Actors Of Our time