Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Youtube Smackdown IIII

 In a system of precedent , the new majority bears the weight of explaining why the constitutional vision of their predecessors was flawed and of making the case as to why theirs better captures the meaning of our fundamental law

' Whatchu think About 

that ? '

' thats What i Was thinking '

' Seems Equally interesting '

' Good Judgement takes Precedent Here '

' i thought i Was the Worlds Most interesting

Woman ? '

Friday, January 27, 2023

Youtube Smackdown III

 ' No soldier ever really survives a war '

' Good

the Dude Abides '

' Anything Else i Can Say 4 You Sir ? '

' Dignified Anger < How Do You Pronounce that Again '

' Virst You Must Pronounce Gadot - Good Sirs '

' And Whys that '

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Youtube Smackdown II

' Evil Prevails When Good Christians Do Nothin '

' And i Aint Done Nothin ' Babe '

' is this A tuesday 

What Day is this ? '

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Youtube Smackdown

Col. Saul Tigh : The difference is my flaws are personal. Yours are professional. 

‘ My God Man Where is My Army ‘

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Language ~ Learning Hebrew

Part Four in the Language Series

Lets Learn Hebrew

. . . . .

אָדוֹם = Red

צהוב = Yellow

לבן = White

שָׁחוֹר = Black

. . . . .

אחד = One

שתיים = two

שְׁלוֹשָׁה = three

ארבע = Four

. . . . .

ארוחת בוקר = Breakfast

ארוחת צהריים = Lunch

אֲרוּחַת עֶרֶב = Dinner

. . . . .

האם יש לי שניים לעשות הכל כאן

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Why i Love ~ Clint Eastwood

What Can Be Said

 About the Living Legend

Clint Eastwood

i Always Cherished Western Films 4 Depicting My idea Of What A true Man Should Be

tough / Gritty / industrious / Faithful

Naturally Opposing the Ahab Male Stereotype Of the Sissified 
" Woke Culture "
in Fact
Western Films Basically Configured My idea Of Masculinity

 Perhaps in No Better Form than Clint Eastwoods Characters

So Many Men Are Completely Whipped in Modern Culture 
~ its Pathetic

i Am Completely thankful 2 Have Clint Eastwood Az A Role Model
. . . . .

So Heres 2 One Of the Greatest Actors Of Our time

Friday, August 26, 2022

Merch ~ take Em 2 the Alley t - shirt

 Get Your ' take Em 2 the Alley ' t - shirt



theres Only One true Way 2 Deal With Scumbags

Let them All Know You Mean Business

With A ' take Em 2 the Alley ' t - Shirt

You Can Let them Know

Order Yours 2Day !

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Language ~ Learning italian

Part three in the ' Language ' Series

Lets Learn italian

. . . . .

Rosso = Red

Giallo = Yellow

Bianco = White

Nero = Black

. . . . .

Uno = One

Due = two

tre = three

Quattro = Four

. . . . .

Orecchio = Ear

Occhio = Eye

Bocca = Mouth

Faccia = Face

. . . . .

Colazione = Breakfast

Pranzo = Lunch

Cena = Dinner

. . . . .

Prendere Em Due il Vicolo !

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Why i Love ~ Series introduction



Starting A New Series

' the Why i Love '

Series Will Feature A Weekly tribute 2 the Good Guys / Gals Who Make Life Worth Living

Stay tuned . . . . .